Monday, August 24, 2009

What to Do?

The third time was NOT a charm. In fact, it was nothing. The seller just outright rejected our offer, not even a counter-offer. This whole process has gotten us thinking very hard about the decision to purchase a home and if it is right for us at this point. We currently live in a great house, in a beautiful neighborhood and cannot help but wonder if taking on the extra expense of a mortgage when we also have the looming costs of child care in six short months.

On the flip-side, owning a home has been a dream of ours since before we were married. To be so close and then put it on hold might be too difficult. Our Realtor has been incredible, and I cannot imagine how we would have gone through all of what we have dealt with without him, how do we repay him for all this work if we stop looking now.

With the baby coming in thirteen and a half weeks I also wonder how much of this is my own emotion driven desire to start nesting and have a settled home to bring her to. As it stands, even if we found a house next week we could not close until a couple of weeks before she gets here. It is all very frustrating and confusing. I am positive that we will be led in the right direction and whatever decision we make will be the one that is right for us, but for now we will keep praying for guidance on this chapter and hope to have some resolution soon.

1 comment:

  1. Deep breaths. This whole situation sucks but I think nesting in the home you're in now would be awesome! Buying a house can wait if the stress is too much. You shouldn't have to move right before you give birth!
