Tuesday, June 30, 2009

By Popular Demand

Ok, well really only a request from my best friend, but here goes...

I am going to try to start blogging. I mean actually blogging and not the once a year crap I've been doing for the last year.

On March 15 my husband and I learned that I am pregnant after months of trying and years of being told it was not possible. For the next few months I am going to do "Random Thoughts" on this and I am sure, many other things. I'm sorry ahead of time if I bore you.

Random thoughts for today, I can feel the baby move, and it terrifies me. I will forever sit in awe of the fact that the hospital gives any person an infant human being after birth and says "here, take it home, don't kill it." Do they think this is in payment for going through the birthing process? Quite honestly, why would you want to take home the thing that just casued you so mich pain (so my sister's tell me)?

Don't get me wrong, I already love this child. I actually started crying during my ultrasound the other day (I am soooo not a crier). But I am 36 going on 12, how am I going to take care of this little child when my concept of a good dinner is frozen fish sticks and popsicles, and that was before I got pregnant. I really, really enjoy time on my couch. Apparantly, that's totally gone now too! And what about late night concerts? This is why I am going on 12, I used to live the life of a teenager with a really good fake ID.

Thus, if in 16 years you see a young girl that resembles me and is a wild child, you will understand. It's becasue Mommy took her to concerts from birth and explained how important it is to open your throat when drinking from the beer bong.