Six months ago we brought Corrin home from the hospital. She was 8.5 lbs and 21 inches long. She slept all the time, smiled a little and made pretty good eye contact. She was amazing and my favorite part of every day.
Six months later she is thriving! She weighs 17.14 lbs and is 28 inches long!!! She's almost as tall as Colin and me!! She sits up on her own, plays with toys and babbles all the time. We're convinced we have heard her say "Daddy." Not to anyone in particular mind you, but she said it nonetheless. It's amazing to me how much she has changed and continues to change every day. She is so alert, she always has been, she is silly and playful. She has a gentle, sweet disposition with a smile that lights up her whole face.
Corrin loves to watch Ruth, and sits in her exersaucer regularly following Ruthie around with her eyes. She loves books and helps turn the pages!!!
I realize I am not the first woman, or even the first of my sisters to have a child, but all of this stuff is totally new to me and so much fun! I have no idea what I ever did without her. Sure, I was more able to just take off and do things but she more than makes up for it. She's funny and cute and it is incredible to watch her grow.