Ok - house hunting has resumed. We spent some time Saturday looking at a few houses and found one that we really like. Over the last four months we have learned that compromise is a must, and so this house only has two bedrooms on the first level and a kitchen that needs some help in the future...But, it's very cute, in a good neighborhood and has a finished basement that our brother-in-law Clayton will fit in. His height has been the litmus test for every basement we have been in since we started looking (since Colin and I are midgets).
The good news is this is not our "forever" home, and if we do have a second child, the kids can share a bedroom pretty easily. The lot is huge and it has a garage. So...no offer yet, but keep your fingers crossed! Hopefully the third time is a charm.
I think that was what drove me the most crazy about looking, was compromise! I felt if I was going to do this darnet, I shouldn't have to compromise. But something has to give. I hope you find something that lets you give the least.