Monday, August 10, 2009

And the countdown is on....

So we went to our twenty-four week appointment last Monday and it dawned on me that in sixteen (now fifteen and a half) weeks we will have a new baby in the house! A new soul to share our days and nights with. This is an overwhelming thought, not simply becasue of the nervousness we feel, but also because of the joy. I am truly overcome.

I pray that we can teach her and guide her and still give her enough freedom to make her own choices and mistakes. I hope that we can teach her to learn from her mistakes and not always save her when things go wrong but be there to support her. Sometimes people bail their children out too much because let's face it, they are children, but sometimes the best lessons are the hard lerned ones and I pray that we can learn the difference.

1 comment:

  1. Striking that balance is so hard. You love them so desperately that you want to protect them and let nothing bad ever happen, but sometimes that really is the best thing for their character. I know you guys will find it!
