Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No Random Thoughts...No Thoughts at All

Basically, the last couple of weeks have been a serious bummer. The house fell through, I managed to alienate one of my cousins, and I am officially terrified about being a mom.

Colin and I went to register at Babies R' Us last weekend thinking a number of things but mainly that we have a clue about what we are doing. My initial plan was to go with someone who has done this before, but I thought, what the heck, give it a try. HA! That said, we managed to get some things on the registry, I have no idea if they are right, if we need them or where we are going to put them. But most importantly, I learned that despite avid reading, Internet research, talking with my sisters and friends and watching parents and children everywhere I really have absolutely no idea what I am about to get into.

My saving grace??? An incredible husband who is totally supportive. Of course, he's freaked out too and I'm not about to stress the poor guy out more. We still have not registered for things like car seats, strollers, pac-n-play's, etc. because we decided more research is necessary....

So - to the title of this post. My parents will gladly tell you that I am one serious procrastinator. My general thought is if something needs to be done the very last minute is the best time to do it. I literally shut down until I am forced to do something. Over the years, this has been an incredibly successful trait and any lawyer will tell you, something we all do. The problem is I am so freaked out about Little Miss Wiggly that I literally can't think at all. Not only do I not have random thoughts, I have NO thoughts.

Now I am well aware that this is a time in life when procrastination is an EXTREMELY bad idea, and I am trying very hard to work through it. But each time I think of things like daycare my brain literally shuts off and I find myself a half hour later reading TMZ.com. ME!!! I mean, normally I procrastinate with CNN.com or something semi-productive. This is BAD.

Of course here I am...blogging when I could be working out our child's daycare, financial future, my work schedule after she is born...you name the important other thing I could be thinking about and working on. UGH!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Deep breaths. You've got a built in babysitter with me my dear. By the time you go off maternity leave, I will have graduated. I think I will only work 3 days a week which means I'll be able to pitch in whenever you need it. HOWEVER, I refuse to drive to the suburbs, so you better not even consider moving away. ;)
