Friday, September 25, 2009


For those of you who know me (all six who read this), you also know I have a serious coat fetish. I love them. Coats can set a mood as far as I'm concerned, and are the best part of fashion. Winter is my favorite season of all, mainly because I get to break out all of my coats and wear them and say hello to them, and love them.

That said, there are many, many very cute coats out there this season as Ms. Carrot & Spice showed us earlier this week. This year I can't break out my coats and love them. Why, you ask. Becasue I have a watermelon attached to me and none of them fit!!! Ugh! Now, I only have 62 days (give or take) left of this, and then the time it takes for my belly to go down and so I still get some winter to relish in my coats, but right now, when we should be breaking them out and loving them for the first time of the season, I had to go downstairs and apologize. They know it's cold out and they are stuck in a closet. Poor things.

I could buy a new maternity coat, but honestly, I don't think it's fair to the coat. I will wear it for the next couple of months and then pack it away never to be worn again unless I am lucky enough to be pregnany in winter time again. It just seems very unfair.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Prepared Childbirth

Well, it took 30 weeks, but I have officially reached the point of being a little afraid of the whole labor process. I have always looked at it like I don't have much control over the process, and she's coming no matter what, so why freak out. Until last I was bobbing along, blissfully unaware, and then we took our first "Prepared Childbirth" class. This is a four week course for three hours every Wednesday to help prepare you and our partner for labor and delivery.

I really did think that having three sisters, two sister-in-law and thirteen nieces and nephews would be all the prep I needed. Especially since one of my sisters is a labor and delivery nurse and I have heard some stories from her! Yeah, blissfully unaware. We spent time introducing ourselves, where we live, what flavor baby we are having, favorite gifts so far and what we wanted out of the class. Colin was cute, he wants to know how to help me the most. I, of course, wanted to know how to keep control of the situation and not have any craziness while I'm laboring. I can't handle the drama. This part was pretty cool. It was fun hearing what the other mothers and fathers had to say, and learning about the people I am going to spend twelve hours with over the next few weeks.

Then they showed the video. Real video of real people having real babies. Naturally, with no drugs and some serious screaming. And did you know that little sucker is purple when it comes out. That's going to freak me out! I'll say it, the whole thing sort of overwhelmed me. I mean, I know I'm pregnant, it's certainly not a surprise or anything. I am so excited to meet her and have her out and about, but I was sort of glossing over the labor part. I blocked out that I have to do that before she can be "out and about."

The good news, women have been doing this for millenia. I'm strong, I can totally handle it, with a really good anesthesiologist and same good music on the radio I'm ready to go!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


In keeping with the accident prone family theme I seem to have going, I've decided the my little Ruthie is a chip off the old genetic block (even though she's a doggie). Monday morning Colin and I were enjoying a nice breakfast on the front porch and Ruth comes walking out looking like a Mastiff. Seriously, her entire face was swollen to the point where she could barely see and I could actually see hives through her fur! I freaked out and called the vet while Colin did a quick examination.

She had a bite mark on one of her lips and was obviously having a reaction. It being Labor Day, the vet was closed so we ruched her to the emergency vet where the guy behind the counter looked at her and promptly said "OH! Well I'll take her back right away!!" That made me feel better, at this point she had passed Mastiff and moved on to St. Bernard. Poor thing.

They dosed her up with an IV of antihistamine and steroids and told us to give her Benadryl that night too. Colin wouldn't let me take a picture! She's doing MUCH better now, her little face is back to normal and everything, but she is still lethargic from all the drugs. I would like to thank my best friend Kitty for recommending we get pet insurance! It will help ease the burden!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


So "they" said this would happen...someone told me that as I got further into my pregnancy I would start to want a puppy, kitten, little chick, etc. I, of course, said NO WAY. Until recently. I find myself convinced that Ruth needs a buddy and that I need something cute and cuddly. Yes, I am well aware that I am going to have a baby in eleven and a half weeks. And no, this does not deter me. At all.

The breeder where we got Ruth, Rio Rock Labs, retires their mom's after two or three litters. Mimi, Ruth's mom, just had her last litter before they adopt her out to a good family. Now, I would happily take Mimi, and sadly, she only had one puppy in this litter. I find myself completely heartbroken for the one singular puppy (who is already spoken for) and Mimi. What happened to her other babies!!

All this said, luckily Mr. Haggerty has a good head on his shoulders and does not give in to my pleas to go to the Dumb Friends League or Max Fund and find Ruth a buddy. For now.