So "they" said this would happen...someone told me that as I got further into my pregnancy I would start to want a puppy, kitten, little chick, etc. I, of course, said NO WAY. Until recently. I find myself convinced that Ruth needs a buddy and that I need something cute and cuddly. Yes, I am well aware that I am going to have a baby in eleven and a half weeks. And no, this does not deter me. At all.
The breeder where we got Ruth, Rio Rock Labs, retires their mom's after two or three litters. Mimi, Ruth's mom, just had her last litter before they adopt her out to a good family. Now, I would happily take Mimi, and sadly, she only had one puppy in this litter. I find myself completely heartbroken for the one singular puppy (who is already spoken for) and Mimi. What happened to her other babies!!
All this said, luckily Mr. Haggerty has a good head on his shoulders and does not give in to my pleas to go to the Dumb Friends League or Max Fund and find Ruth a buddy. For now.
When that baby gets here, I think you'll take my speech more seriously. 2 dogs is easier than one because they wear each other out. 11 and a half weeks???? SOOOOO EXCITED!!!